School Logo

Year 4


Welcome to the Summer term in Year 4. We are now in our final term of Year 4 and have lots of things to do before we move on to our next school year. 

We have a very exciting new vehicle to work on so please look in the Summer Vehicle icon to see what it's all about.


If you have any questions or queries please come and see me before or after school, or contact the school office.

I am really looking forward to our learning journey together so remember to visit our class page regularly to see what we have been up to.

Mrs Hampton

School will start at 8.40 each morning and our first lesson will start promptly at 8.45 so please arrive in good time each day. The day will finish 3.20 where you can be collected from the front playground.


Things to remember:-

PE days will be Tuesday and Friday - Children should come to school wearing their PE kit on these days. They may wear a plain black track suit over the top. Please also make sure all school uniform is named clearly so that if it gets misplaced it can be returned easily.

Please also make sure you bring your reading book and reading record in everyday as well as your Personal Writing Project book. We could be using these any day so it will be very important to have these ready.

Class library books can be changed on a Thursday.
