Dates for your Diary
- Collection of Smarties Tubes – Friday 1st March
- Easter Bingo Own Clothes Day – Friday 8th March
- Easter Bingo – Friday 15th March (6pm doors open)
- Strawberry Fayre – Sunday 7th July
- End of Term Disco – Thursday 18th July
- New Quarterly 200 Club Launched – Wednesday 4th September
- Pantomime – Tuesday 26th November
- Potential date for First Christmas Draw – Thursday 12th December
Watch this space for more exciting events throughout the academic year.
PTFA 200 Club
The PTFA 200 Club is a fun and simple way of raising funds for the benefit of the children and school. Anyone over the age of 16 can join including parents, relatives, friends and neighbours. Everyone is welcome.
It is a private lottery with three cash prizes each month and a bonus draw in the summer term. To join all you need to do is complete and sign the attached membership form and return it to the school office. When you have been allocated your number/s you can then setup a standing order for £2.00 per number for each month or pay the total annual amount in advance.
The draw takes place in school during the last assembly of each month. Winners will receive a cheque which is either sent home via children in school or posted to the home address.
The prize money will be 50% of the membership fee collected in the month and the remaining 50% goes to school towards the purchase of equipment and resources.
Good Luck.......and remember you have to be in it to win it!