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Summer Term

Out of Our World


Welcome back to our final term in Year 5. This term we will be exploring the world out of our experience from outer space to ancient civilisations. Come on a journey with us to investigate worlds beyond our imaginations past, present -and maybe even in future!

Today we made our sculptures in the style of the artist Giacometti.

We took part in Play Leader training so we could lead younger children to play games and activities at playtimes.

We had a wonderful time learning some circus skills. A further career for some perhaps?

Today we were designing and setting up games in our play leader training. Mr Withers and Mr Handcock we’re really impressed with the teamwork and planning of our games.

We have spent time preparing liturgies to share with the class over the next few weeks.

Freddie, Rebecca, Sofia and Raife led us in a class liturgy to celebrate Our Lady in the month of Mary

During well-being week we learned some new skipping skills With Miss Em

Our liturgy leaders today helped us reflect on the story of Pentecost and the Holy Spirit.

We have completed our Mini Medics training and could give you CPR, put you in the recovery position and know what to do if you are choking!

We enjoyed our “Lern with me” sewing with our familie sewing our soft toys for our DT work.

We really enjoyed or hoopla-hooping session

Today we had author, Alex Foulkes, come to visit. She told us all about her book Rules for Vampires and we drew our own ideas for our secret hide-out!

Deacon Mike came to tell us about his experience of being a deacon in our RE lesson

We were really challenged when we tried out some Paralympic sports!
