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Our science curriculum aims to provide the foundations for understanding the world through the specific disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics.  We aim to motivate and inspire children through a curriculum that stimulates, engages and challenges all learners. 



By the time children leave in Y6, they will have a wealth of scientific knowledge and understanding covering the following areas: -  Animals including humans, Plants, Living things and their habitats, Sound, Light, Electricity, Earth and space, Seasonal change, Materials, Rocks and Soils, Evolution and Inheritance, Forces and States of Matter. 


As a core subject, science is given a high priority. It is recognised as an active, practical subject and children are encouraged to develop their skills, knowledge and understanding through first-hand experience where ever possible. In Reception and Key Stage 1, science is generally integrated into a topic approach, whereas in Key Stage 2, science is approached through separate science themes. The science curriculum covers the following areas: scientific enquiry, life processes and living things, materials and their properties, physical processes.

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Here at St Anne's we strive to give pupils opportunities in their learning to develop essential knowledge and learn about things that are outside their daily experience.  In science we aim to do this through experiences that allow the children to learn more about the development and impact science has on their lives as well as having opportunities to develop and extend their scientific knowledge.




