For our final week of this half term, we read The Three Billy Goats Gruff and Mr Wolf's Pancakes. The Three Billy Goats Gruff provided the focus for drawing club and during Welly Wednesday the children worked together as a team to make a bridge with great success.
In maths we learnt how to use balance scales to find the heaviest and lightest objects and thought about whether heavy objects are always big.
The children finished the week thinking about Shrove Tuesday and finding out how to make pancakes. They also enjoyed hosting their families on Tuesday to celebrate Valentine's Day with us in class.
For homework, if you are making pancakes on Tuesday involve your child in weighing and combining the ingredients. Attached below are pictures to use with your child to practise writing simple phrases, please use a selection of these to encourage your child to write short phrases. Encourage your child to sound out the words and use finger spaces to separate words (there are suggested phrases at the end of the document but your child can write any relevant phrase they think of).
Happy half term and thank you for your support.