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Advent Term

Where do I fit in?


Throughout the autumn term, for our curriculum vehicle, we will be exploring the question, 'Where do I fit in?'

This will be investigated through different subjects, including learning about where we live in geography and our local history. In addition, in RE, we will be exploring how God created the earth and why he created humans like us! This vehicle will also involve some geography fieldwork of our local area. We will complete our vehicle by creating our own 'Coat of Arms' to show where we belong.

PE - Enrichment day

Geography - Identifying physical and human features on a walk of our local area.

Maths - Parents learn with me

Computing - Creating our avatars

RE - Celebrating St. Francis' Saint Day

RE - How can we look after God's creations?

Maths - Part-whole models

English - Proper noun or common noun?

Art - Henri Matisse
