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Autumn Term

During the first half of the Autumn term our Curriculum Vehicle in Nursery is "All About Me".  The children will be encouraged to discuss who lives in their house by sharing in class their house template with family photographs attached.  

The children will look closely at themselves and those around them - I can collage my own face.

The children will work on large scale creative work to paint me! - I can work in a team.

We will look closely at how we are all different but all special - I can say why I am special! 

The children will begin to develop compassion and respect for each other and can begin to work with their friends in Nursery and share the resources and toys in the classroom with each other.  They will begin to complete an activity with support from a grown up.  They will also begin to understand that we are all different and that some of their friends in Nursery are from different cultures.
