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Spring Term

It's All Greek to Me


Welcome to the spring term in Year 5. This term's vehicle 'It's All Greek to Me' is based on our history unit about the Ancient Greeks. We will spend time learning about the Greek civilisation and it's influence on the modern world. Our work will culminate in an Ancient Greek inspired day.


In our science lesson we have been exploring ways to separate the materials in a solution.

Our family members came to share in our learning about cutting skills when we made salads using all five food categories.

We have been drawing stick people from our observations in the style of Giacometti

Today we have made pizzas in DT. We tried to choose healthy toppings.

Safer Internet Day - we joined the live lesson by the BBC to help us learn more about how AI helps us and how we can be aware of some of the problems it can cause.

Our parents joined us in assembly today when we shared our geography learning about volcanoes

We have spent the afternoon exploring how to successfully search for information on a range of search engines.

World Book Day Fun!

Michael taught us a poem

Still image for this video

Our afternoon with Michael Rosen!

We had a go at drawing in the style of illustrator Quentin Blake. He illustrated the book Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

Our Easter Fundraiser - Easter Escape Room fun!
