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Excellent Remote Learning

Parent Feedback

94% of parents feel that we have clearly explained how to access remote learning.

94% feel that the school continues to have high expectations for its students during this period.

94% of parents feel that there is a good range of subjects covered by our remote learning.


"Teachers are doing a brilliant job in very difficult circumstances and we are very grateful for
their continued efforts."


"We really appreciate what the school staff are doing to make the remote learning possible
and keep it going at a high standard at this difficult time, considering many of them are
parents too. There are so much pressures on them from the pandemic, from work and from
family life too which we can only imagine. We thank you for your wonderful work, your
kindness, your patience, your hard work, and most importantly, your love for our children,
which have brought comfort and confidence to many young lives through this strange time.
Please take care and all the best! xx"


"We appreciate all of the efforts you have all made and continue to make, recognising that
you all had very little notice to prepare for this at the beginning of term. It is a very difficult
time and you are all working extremely hard, thanks."
