Summer Curriculum
Summer Term Overview
This term, Year 1's Vehicle is called:
'Land, Sea and Sky'.
This ties in with children's learning in history, geography and science this term.
Land: In science children will be continuing to learn about plants and their uses. They will learn about what plants need to grow and what plants are native to which climates. This will link with geography learning to identify where they may find the plants. In geography, children will be learning about the continents; they will be able to name them all and talk about each one individually.
Sea: Children will also be learning about the oceans in geography. They will be able to name all of them and locate them on a map. During vehicle work, children will consider ways to protect the oceans and seas from damage that humans are causing. Children will then use ideas collected to create a campaign to raise awareness with their peers.
Sky: In history, children will be learning all about the first flight; from the Wright Brothers and Amelia Earhart to Amy Johnson. They will be able to note the significance of these developments in history and will be able to talk about how this has impacted the present. During vehicle sessions, children will be making their own paper aeroplanes to race in the hall and will be making informative posters about each significant individual.
We hope to have a visitor into school to talk to us about flying aeroplanes... Watch this space!
30th June - PSHE Lesson (The Holy Trinity)

In PSHE this week, we started our new unit where we will be learning about the Holy Trinity. We talked about what the Holy Trinity is why it is called a 'trinity'. We also discussed how even though God is one being, he has 3 different roles much the same as we do - we might be a brother or sister, our parents' child and somebody's friend. We then learnt the unit song and we talked about the words and meaning after.
27th June - Computing Lesson (coding)
Today, we learn the basics of coding and how to make objects move. We used our learning from maths to help us identify position and direction. Miss Evans and Mrs Gill were wowed by our efforts!
22nd June - CAFOD Visit
Barbara from CAFOD came to visit us in school today to talk to us about Stewardship and looking after God's creation. We thought about all of the ways we could make the world a better place to live and made our own personal pledges. Thank you Barbara.
Sports Day
We had a lovely time for sports day and were very fortunate with the weather! Thank you very much to all of the grown ups that came to show their support, we really appreciate it. We all enjoyed ourselves and tried our best at all of our races. Mrs Bennett even made Miss Evans have a go at the obstacle race! After the events and after the grown ups had left, the PTFA treated us to ice lollies to help us cool down - thank you from Year 1!
Half-termly Project - Women's History Month
20th April 2023
Today, we constructed our moving vehicles as the last lesson of our DT unit. We worked as a team on our tables to take it in turns to assemble the axel holders, axels and wheels. Miss Evans was very proud of our teamwork and our turn-taking. we were very proud of the end result - just look at our faces!
28th April 2023
Today, we talked about the Wright Brothers and how they experimented with their flyers before the first flight in 1903. We then had a go at making our own paper aeroplanes! We took them outside and in the hall to have a flying competition, to see whose would go the furthest
5th May 2023
We spent the day celebrating the coronation of King Charles III today! We started the day by making some bunting to decorate the classroom, we also made placemats to take with us to lunch. The weather was glorious, so had a picnic lunch outside in the sunshine! In the afternoon we made cards and sun catchers to take home as memorabilia of this very special occasion.
18th May 2023
Today, we finished our windmills in DT! We've had a fantastic few weeks designing and assembling these, we've shown lots of perseverance and resilience. Our next step is to evaluate how well we did and think about the things we did well and what we would do differently next time.
19th May 2023
We started our new unit in maths today, we are learning all about numbers to 100. Today's lesson was all about counting to 100 in order. We used a 100 square to help us. These pictures are us playing a game with our partners, one of us had to cover a number up with a counter and the other partner had to tell us what the missing number was. We really enjoyed this and it made the rest of the lesson make much more sense! Miss Evans thinks we were fabulous!
5th June 2023
In our English lesson today, we made marmalade sandwiches. This was so we knew the importance of being clear with our instructions we were writing this week. We talked about time conjunctions to order our steps and adding in adjectives to make our writing more interesting. We even got to try our marmalade sandwiches - we had some mixed reactions!
8th June 2023
Today, we did our traffic survey in geography and found that cars were the most common mode of transport as we saw the most of those. We kept a tally chart of all of the different types of vehicles that drove past school. We were very excited, particularly when we saw a motorbike!
8th June 2023
We went on a walk of our local area walk for our geography fieldwork today. We were looking for other kinds of transport and also identified some human and physical features in our local area. We particularly liked the bus stop and were very pleased when the bus stopped!
16th June 2023
Miss Evans nominated us all for the Celebration Award in Thursday's good work assembly for all of our hard work in the phonics screening check! Although the weather looks a bit gloomy in these photos, to celebrate our hard work, we enjoyed ice pops at play time today.