Year 4 Homework
Year 4 homework will appear here weekly in a date labelled folder. If your child is unsure about any aspect, please encourage them to talk to me in class or send me an email. The children will bring home a login card with information needed to access accounts. Please check logins and report any issues back to me so that amendments can be made. If children have not completed their homework, this will then be completed at either break or lunchtime.
- Pupils will have Maths, English and RE homework weekly. Tasks will be completed on Century Tech and through written tasks.
- Pupils should read daily and record this in their reading diary.
- Pupils in Y4 must practice their times tables on Times Tables Rock Stars on a daily basis.
- Spellings will be uploaded into the weekly homework folder and should be practised daily.
Daily Arithmetic Practice:
Pupils will bring home arithmetic tasks that should be completed daily in their homework book and returned for review on a Thursday.
Homework is published for Thursday, please ensure your child plans their time carefully so homework is completed by the following Wednesday each week.