18th November 2022
We are excited to announce that your child will be taking part in the Early Years Christmas Nativity. Nursery are "Stars" and we would be grateful if you would provide a simple costume in a labelled carrier bag by the 1st December 2022. They will need to following items:
Black leggings/tracksuit bottoms
Plain black long sleeve top
Black pumps/trainers
Silver tinsel
We have begun learning the songs for our Nativity in school Miss Cummins and I would be grateful if you could practise these with your child at home.
Thank you
We have been busy exploring light and dark. The children have been using different light sources in our dark cave and have been exploring if light can shine through different materials.
Find a torch at home and shine it against a wall. What shadows shapes can be made using hands and fingers? Explore putting toys in front of the torch to see their shadow shapes?
Please could you upload photographs as evidence onto the Tapestry app so that we can share them on our interactive whiteboard with your child in class. This is a great opportunity for communication and language skills to be developed and encouraged.