SATs 2024 Information
SATS Timetable
All KS2 SATs papers will be completed during the week commencing 13th May.
Day | Assessment |
Monday 13th May | English grammar, punctuation and spelling papers 1 and 2 |
Tuesday 14th May | Reading paper |
Wednesday 15th May | Maths Arithmetic paper 1 and Maths Reasoning paper 2 |
Thursday 16th May | Maths Reasoning paper 3 |
On this page you will find information about SATs 2024. Further information will also be shared with you two weeks before SATs when we will share with you information about the organisation of SATs week in school. If you have any further questions please contact the Year 6 team using the email.
What are SATs?
SATs stands for Standard Assessment Tests. They are tests designed to measure a child’s educational achievement, which, in turn, is designed to measure the school’s performance and achievement.
SATs are managed and administered by the Government’s Standards and Testing Agency. This is an Executive Agency of the Department for Education.
You can find out more about the Standards and Testing Agency at: Standards and Testing Agency – GOV.UK (
Children in Year 6 (those aged 10-11) will take tests in Maths, Reading and grammar, punctuation and spelling under formal exam conditions. Each exam is timed.
These papers are marked externally but with separate teacher assessments in writing and science. KS2 SATs are as follows:
SATS Timetable
All KS2 SATs papers will be completed during the week commencing 13th May.
Day | Assessment |
Monday 13th May | English grammar, punctuation and spelling papers 1 and 2 |
Tuesday 14th May | Reading paper |
Wednesday 15th May | Maths Arithmetic paper 1 and Maths Reasoning paper 2 |
Thursday 16th May | Maths Reasoning paper 3 |
Who takes the KS2 SATs?
The tests are designed for pupils who have completed the KS2 programmes of study and are working at the overall standard of the tests. Most pupils taking the KS2 tests will be in Year 6 and will reach the age of 11 by the end of the academic year.
Headteachers make the final decision about whether it is appropriate for a pupil to take the tests. In so deciding the headteacher should:
- discuss the pupil’s circumstances and needs with their parents and teachers
- consult, if appropriate, with their Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO), educational psychologist, medical professional or other specialist staff to consider access arrangements that might be appropriate to enable pupils to demonstrate their full abilities.
If a headteacher decides a pupil should not take one or more of the tests, they should report this decision to the pupil’s parents.
SATS Results
KS2 tests are externally marked. However, in addition, there is a teacher assessed element at KS2 to establish a ‘writing’ score. The papers are sent back to be marked centrally with marks standardised around a score of 100.
What do the SAT papers look like?
The KS2 Reading SATS:
The English reading test focuses on comprehension and includes a mixture of text types. The test is designed so that the texts are presented in increasing level of difficulty. The test consists of a reading booklet and a separate answer booklet. Pupils will have one hour to read the three texts in the reading booklet and complete the questions, which are worth 50 marks in total.
Paper 1 of the English grammar, punctuation and spelling test is a combined question and answer booklet. Pupils will have 45 minutes to answer the questions, which are worth 50 marks in total. Paper 2 which tests spelling consists of a test transcript to be read by the test administrator and an answer booklet in which pupils write 20 spellings. The paper takes approximately 15 minutes but is not strictly timed. The spellings are worth 20 marks in total.
The KS2 Maths SATS:
The maths test comprises two components, arithmetic and reasoning, assessed via three papers. Paper 1 assesses arithmetic. Pupils will have 30 minutes to answer the questions and the assessment is worth 40 marks in total. Papers 2 and 3 assess reasoning and pupils have 40 minutes to answer the questions, which are worth 35 marks per paper.