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Reading at home

As a school, we expect all children (regardless of their age) to read every day for a minimum of 10 minutes. Our Reception and KS1 children bring home phonics books matched to their ability, please listen to your child read and encourage them to 'Fred in Their Head' daily in order to develop their fluency and confidence. 


Phonics books are changed every three days. As this is a rolling timetable, book change days will alter each week, therefore please ensure your child brings their bookbag with reading book and reading diary into school every day. If you child does not have their reading book in school on a Thursday, we will not send them home with the new book that week. It is important that all children have both their reading book and diary in their bookbags daily, as we listen to children read in school and carry out regular reading diary checks to ensure reading is being completed at home.


If you child does not have a phonics book and is in a comprehension group (or KS2), your child is responsible for changing their own book once completed. They too, need to bring both their book and diary daily.
