This week we have been reading 'The Jolly Christmas Postman'. We have enjoyed using the classroom post office and have learnt about the journey a letter takes, this also gave us the opportunity to look at the different parts of the United Kingdom.
In Maths we have looked at the part-whole model to look at ways numbers can be made and also split.
The children have all done very well in their phonics assessments this week and will be moving into new groups after Christmas.
In RE we have been learning about Advent and have created our own Advent wreath on our display in the classroom.
For homework this week please continue to practise the Christmas songs (links can be found in the homework folder 18.11.22).
We would also like children to experience posting a letter in a postbox - this could be to Santa!
Royal Mail Santa letter (for a response they need to be posted by the 9th Dec and must include a stamped self addressed envelope)
Santa/Father Christmas
Santa's Grotto
For more information visit - https://www.royalmail.com/christmas/letters-to-santa