21st April 2022
Every Monday Morning as part of our communication, language and listening, we will be encouraging the children to share their weekend news with us from the Tapestry, therefore all parents are being requested to upload a photo (if possible) with a brief description of what you have been up to. We can upload the photographs onto our interactive whiteboard and the children are invited up to talk and share what they have being doing over the weekend...this can be anything as simple as going to the shops with their family, playing a game, colouring in etc. This is to encourage communication, language and listening at nursery. The tapestry app can be down loaded onto your phone and is easy to access and add photographs. If your account is not activated please let us know as soon as possible.
Thank you to those of you for sharing on Tapestry with us. The children loved coming to the front and sharing their weekend news.
This week we have:
- Focused on the properties of shapes
- Used lots of Fred Talk in our phonics time, listening to the sounds in words.
- Shared “Jack and the Beanstalk" and revisited the life cycle of a bean.
- Replanted our beanstalks by carefully taking them out of their sprout house and planted them in plant pots.
- Sang lots of traditional nursery rhymes.
- As part of our learning in RE we have listened to the Easter story and discussed how Jesus came back to life again and that this was a happy time.
The children have been singing lots of nursery rhymes this week, which has been lovely to hear. Please continue to sing these at home.