With Christ at the centre of all that we do, the staff and governors at St. Anne's Catholic Primary school are committed to giving our children every opportunity to achieve the highest of standards by meeting the individual needs of all in an inclusive way. We offer a broad and balanced curriculum for all children, irrespective of gender, special needs, disability, language spoken, race, culture or religion. We strive for excellence and have the highest commitment to supporting, challenging and nurturing all children in school through quality first teaching.
We recognise that some children may need additional support to allow them to access the curriculum. We use a graduated approach to removing barriers to learning that children may experience. This will be initiated with the class teacher, supported by the SENCo. We work with outside agencies and parents to ensure we provide the best provision for each individual. Our children with Special Educational Needs are fully integrated into the educational, social and cultural life of the school. We recognise the strengths and areas for development of every individual.
If you have any concerns about your child, please make an appointment either directly with the class teacher or with the school’s Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo) Mrs Ward.
They can be contacted via the school office or using the email address below.
Tel: 01785 663128
Please click the links to view the following items:
Information, support and services for children and young people aged 0-25 with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND).
Staffordshire Family Partnership
SENDIASS are Staffordshire’s Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information, Advice and Support Service and provide free, impartial, confidential advice and support around Education, Health and Social Care. They can be contacted by phone on 01785 356921 or online.
Staffordshire Parent Carer Forum
Staffordshire Parent Carer Forum (StaffsPCF) is an independent organisation run by volunteers who are all parents or carers of children and young people who have special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).
"Our child's reading has really improved, he is very happy about this."
"School is becoming even more proactive."
"My child is more comfortable and confident at school."
"My child is happy and not displaying any stress-related behaviour."
"I am supported with the information on the displays in my classroom."
"I can use practical equipment like base 10 to help me in maths."
"I have fidgets and cubes I can use when I need a brain break."
"I can put my hand up to get help from the teacher or work with my talk partner."
"The letters and numbers on the display help me with my handwriting."
"I sometimes have a worksheet to help me with my writing."
"I have a quiet place I can visit when I need to."