20th January
Starting on the Monday 23rd January, we will be encouraging the children to share their weekend news with us from the Tapestry, therefore all parents are being requested to upload a photo with a brief description of what you have been up to. We can upload the photographs onto our interactive whiteboard and the children are invited up to talk and share what they have being doing over the weekend...this can be anything as simple as going to the shops with their family, playing a game, colouring in etc. This is to encourage communication, language and listening at nursery.
This week we have:
- Began to understand and explore the number 2.
- Used lots of Fred Talk in our phonics time, listening to the sounds in words.
- Looked at where penguins live and how they keep warm.
- Shared “Be Brave Little Penguin” by Giles Andreae retold the story in our small world area.
- Sang the Penguin Dance song and learnt the actions to it.
- Began to learn and understand Baptism in RE and the importance of being a part of God’s family.
- Celebrated Chinese New Year with Reception class through lots of exciting activities.
- Used our gross motor skills during PE during a Cosmic Kids yoga session.
In Nursery we use a puppet called Fred who can only speak in sounds, not whole words. We call this Fred Talk.
For example, Fred would say d-o-g, we would say dog. Your child is taught to hear sounds and blend them together in sequence to make a word. We start with blending oral sounds, then progress to reading the letters and blending them together to read the word.
Here is a small clip of Fred Talk in action.