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'Curious and Active' - Spring 1 Virtue


'I perceived that there is nothing better for them  than to be joyful and to do good as long as they live.'

Ecclesiastes 3:12

Curious: exploring God’s creation and asking questions to find out more. Everything around us was created by God. Being curious about these things – from tiny insects to enormous planets, from the languages of the Earth to the patterns made by numbers – brings us closer to God.


Active: working to make things better where we can. As we use our curiosity to explore, we find things that could be better: a friend is unhappy; a neighbour is lonely; there is litter in the playground; the whiteboard needs wiping. Some of these problems we can fix. By being active we take responsibility for these tasks and look after God’s creation.

'Learned and Wise' - Autumn 2 Virtue

“I have set an example for you, so that you will do just what I have done for you.” John 13:15


Learned: learning how God wants us to live our lives Whether we are young or old, we should never stop learning about what God wants of us. We learn many new things each day. By reading the Bible, listening to our teachers and listening to our hearts, we learn more of what God wants.


Wise: knowing how God wants us to live our lives and putting it into practice. God is always with us and hoping that we will live our lives in the right way, following the teachings of Jesus.

Eloquent and Truthful - Autumn 1 Virtue

‘And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.’

Colossians 3:17

Eloquent: the ability to speak or write fluently, persuasively and appropriately. We are eloquent when we use language to express our ideas or opinions clearly and with conviction. When we choose our words, we should do so carefully so they are kind and compassionate, and don’t hurt others. Eloquence isn’t limited to speaking and writing. We can express ourselves in other ways like music, drama, painting or dance. We should use our creative gifts to say things in a way that is interesting, truthful, memorable and faithful.


Truthful: God wants us to be truthful in all we do. Jesus said, ‘I am the way, the truth and the life’, so being honest and truthful means we are following in his footsteps and living life the way God wants us to. Being truthful is being faithful to ourselves and to Jesus. We should stand up for the truth.
