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17th March 2022


Miss Cummins and I thought that it would be a lovely idea to end our spring term with an Easter Bonnet parade in our Nursery class.  This activity will run now until the last week of term where will ask for the completed bonnets to be in by Monday 4th April 2022. 

An Easter bonnet is a fancy new hat that is traditionally worn on Easter.  The hat is usually decorated with eggs, flowers, bunnies or chicks, or any other typical depictions of Easter and springtime. 

Wearing a new Easter bonnet marks the end of Lent, whereby luxury items can be purchased and used again. This symbolises the physical renewal of life in the springtime and the end of our lenten promises through our Catholic Life.

Below is a link to Pinterest to give you a few ideas, if you do need any help please let us know.



