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Summer Curriculum

Summer Strawberries

During the summer term we will be growing strawberry plants in our outdoor area.  We will be looking after these plants throughout the summer term, in preparation for the PTFA's annual Strawberry Fayre.  We will also be planting and growing other plants, learning about the life cycle of plants and learning about foods that come from plants.  To support this work, we will be visiting a local farm where we will learn about the crops being grown there as well as getting the chance to meet their animals. 

An overview of what we will be learning in Summer

Our Trip to Lower Drayton Farm

Planting Our Strawberry Plants



Celebrating the King's Coronation

Time with our Special Friends

At the end of a long week completing their SATs, our Year 6 Special Friends designed playground games for Nursery and Reception to enjoy!

Planting with our parents
