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This week we read The Enormous Turnip and Oliver's Vegetables together in class.  The children enjoyed acting out the story of The Enormous Turnip during their woodland session on Wednesday.  We learnt the names of lots of different vegetables and described their appearance.  We also thought about what happens at harvest time.


The children have continued learning new sounds in phonics, learning o, c, k, u, b and f this week.  They are using these sounds to start blending simple cvc words.  They have also continued to develop their understanding of numbers, counting and recognising and forming numerals 1-5.  


For homework this week - sets of word cards have been sent home (see below) to use with your child to get them started with word blending.  Say each sound separately repeatedly, getting quicker to push the sounds closer together until the child can hear the word being blended.  The word cards can be cut out to use separately if you wish.
